Jon Carter

Media Manager

Jon is responsible for promoting BTO and its messages to a wide range of UK audiences through print, broadcast and digital media. Through building solid working relationships with key media, his focus is on helping to influence and inspire key stakeholders, supporters and the wider public.

Interests & Responsibilities

Prior to joining the BTO Jon worked in public-facing and engagement roles for the RSPB for 11 years, mainly based in his native north-west England.

Prior to this he worked in UK press for several years, and lived for while in Canada where he worked in marketing and communications.

A lifelong birder and dedicated local patcher, Jon has been involved in regional birdwatching groups, serving on the committee of his local bird club in Lancaster and spent many years as a BoEE and WeBS counter and local organiser.

He is a strong believer in making all aspects of natural history as accessible to as many people as possible, whether through physical engagement or by simplifying science to inform, excite and inspire.