James Clarke

Ecological Statistician

James is an ecological statistician whose main role is to contribute to the statistical analysis of projects within the BTO. This also includes providing advice on developing statistically robust project design and to provide general statistical advice and training across the organisation.

Interests & Responsibilities

Before joining the BTO James was a member of the Statistical Ecology research group at the University of Kent, where he completed his PhD. Here he developed his skills working with ecological data, specifically through the analysis of citizen-science data of UK butterflies. Through this he garnered a particular interest in using citizen-science data to producerobust abundance trends across large temporal and spatial scales, as well as using parametric models of seasonal counts to estimate adult lifespans of UK butterflies. James also developed an interest in Bayesian modelling during his Research Masters where he used individual level growth data to determine population dynamics in fish populations.


PhD, University of Kent: ‘Estimating UK butterfly lifespans and abundances using citizen-science count data’, 2023
MRes Ecology & Environment, University of Sheffield, 2019
BSc (Hons) Environmental Biology, Queen’s University Belfast, 2017

Other Publications

Yoh N., Clarke J.A., López-Baucells A., Mas M., Bobrowiec P.E.D., Rocha R. & Meyer C.F.J. 2022. Edge effects and vertical stratification of aerial insectivorous bats across the interface of primary-secondary Amazonian rainforest. PLoS ONE 17(9): e0274637. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0274637.