Browse publications by type

The British Trust for Ornithology publishes a wealth of research and advice, for supporters of the organisation, conservation professionals, the scientific community and the general public. View the range of BTO publications below.

Books and Guides

Scientific Publications

bto research report 692 cover

Research Reports

Self-published research papers by BTO staff.

BTO Research Note  - Impact of wind farms cover

Research Notes

Summaries of our approach to our work and recent activity in key areas of scientific research.

Peer Journal sample covers

Peer-reviewed papers

BTO staff research papers published in scientific journals.


Conservation Advice Notes

Applied advice for conservation practitioners and policymakers.



Read BTO’s latest BirdTrends report: a one-stop shop for authoritative information about the population status of the common breeding birds of the wider UK countryside.

Birds of Conservation Concern 5 cover

Birds of Conservation Concern

Commonly referred to as the UK Red List for birds, Birds of Conservation Concern assesses the populations of almost 250 UK bird species to determine their conservation status.


Waterbirds in the UK

Presenting the results of the annual WeBS report and the GSMP - a comprehensive source of information on the current status and distribution of waterbirds in the UK.


The Breeding Bird Survey Report

Read the latest Breeding Bird Survey Report, which summarises breeding bird population changes and other results from the scheme.

Ringing & Migration

Ringing & Migration

The journal of the British Trust for Ornithology Ringing Scheme, which includes papers on all aspects of bird ringing and migration studies as well as the annual ringing report.

Bird Study cover, Sam Langlois

Bird Study

BTO's journal for publishing high quality papers relevant to evidence-based bird conservation and field ornithology.


Northern Ireland Seabird Report

This annual report is the published outcome of the work of the BTO Seabird Co-ordinator, and the activities of the evolving Nornthern Ireland Seabird Network of volunteers and organisations such as National Trust, Ulster Wildlife and RSPB.




LifeCycle is the magazine of the British and Irish Ringing Scheme and the Nest Record Scheme (NRS).


BTO News

BTO member's magazine showcasing survey results, the work of the Trust and our dedicated volunteers.


Bird Table

The quarterly magazine for Garden BirdWatch members. 

Annual Review current issue cover

Annual Review

BTO's Annual Review provides a round-up of the work achieved by the Trust, its volunteers, supporters and partners during the last year, as well as setting out future plans and reporting on BTO fin

WeBS News Issue 38 Cover

WeBS News

The WeBS Newsletter is produced annually to give counters updates on what has been going on, primarily in WeBS, but also in the wider world of waterbird conservation.

In Partnership

State of UK Birds 2017 cover

The State of the UK's Birds

The State of the UK's birds (SUKB) report provides a one-stop shop for all the results from annual, periodic and one-off surveys and monitoring studies of birds.

The State of Nature 2023 report cover, showing an aerial view of arable farmland and an isolated hedgerow, by Chris O'Reilly / RSPB

State of Nature Report

Over 50 UK conservation organisations contribute to this assessment of nature across the UK.

State of Birds in Wales 2018 cover

State of Birds in Wales

Produced jointly by RSPB, BTO, Natural Resources Wales (NRW) and Welsh Ornithological Society (WOS), the State of Birds in Wales Report provides a current overview of the state of breeding and wi

Survey results, reports and newsletters

Our ongoing fieldwork surveys publish results and update our volunteers on an annual basis. View publications for the Breeding Bird Survey, Wetland Bird Survey, the Ringing Scheme, BirdTrack and the Garden BirdWatch scheme.

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